Five & Dime Blues

Five & Dime Blues

Thanks to everyone who responded to my new web store. I'm so grateful for your support. I've added this print, "Five & Dime Blues," from the 2001 Osceola Heritage MusicFest poster. The twin girls were just a vision in my head. I don't know what it means or from whence...

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Kevin Kresse, Portrait of Gary Wayne Golden

Kevin Kresse, Portrait of Gary Wayne Golden

You know... when a child presents an artwork and it's terrible, you don't want to hurt their feelings, but you don't want to lie, so you say, "That's interesting." That's what Kevin Kresse said about my face, "Interesting." Not kind, not handsome, not manly....

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Scott Prior, Yellow Chair

Scott Prior, Yellow Chair

"Yellow Chair..." Scott Prior. My first assignment in Stanley Tasker's freshman drawing class was to visually describe to an alien from another planet how to make a shoe. I failed miserably. My brain wanted to know why in the hell ET might need to make a human shoe?...

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Tim Jacob, Kavanaugh Night

Tim Jacob, Kavanaugh Night

"Kavanaugh Night," Tim Jacob, acrylic. I can't mention nocturnes without featuring the paintings of my good friend and childhood neighbor, Tim Jacob. Tim has created a series of night scenes around Little Rock and beyond, most of which are wet with rain on pavement....

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John Lasater, Moon Hits Your Eye

John Lasater, Moon Hits Your Eye

One of the great challenges for painters is a nocturne, a scene at night, or any scene in which the dominant light source is inside the frame. James Taylor sang... "In my mind, I'm gone to Carolina Can't you see the sunshine? Can't you just feel the moonshine? Ain't...

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Vincent van Gogh, Peasant Burning Weeds

Vincent van Gogh, Peasant Burning Weeds

"Peasant Burning Weeds," Vincent van Gogh. A tonalist canvas from Vincent, not the explosion of color and thick brushwork we expect. From his letters to his brother, Theo... "Do our inner thoughts ever show outwardly? There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one...

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Andreas Vesalius, De Humani Corporis Fabrica

Andreas Vesalius, De Humani Corporis Fabrica

Drawings from "De Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body)" by Andreas Vesalius, et al. Ink on paper. I was in Dallas over this past weekend to see my daughter. Visited the art museum and took in a stunning exhibition of Flemish masterworks. "Saints,...

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Lawrence Deen Golden, Untitled (Ram)

Lawrence Deen Golden, Untitled (Ram)

Untitled (Ram), Lawrence Deen Golden, my big brother. Acrylic, 1978. My brother was immensely talented. Painter, photographer, guitarist, drummer. (I can claim three of those traits, but I'm still after the guitar thing. Help.) Our father subscribed to magazines of...

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Gregory Hildebrandt, The Marriage

Gregory Hildebrandt, The Marriage

"The Marriage," Gregory Hildebrandt (American), acrylic, 1972. The famous "Brothers Hildebrandt," Gregory and Timothy... I've admired the work of these men since my adolescence. They're most famous for their illustrations for The Lord of the Rings, the Sword of...

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Rick Stephens, Loitering in Mystery

Rick Stephens, Loitering in Mystery

"Loitering in Mystery," Rick Stephens. Landscapes aren't easy, they're difficult, if you really LOOK. I've followed this Stephens guy, and he has his own way of doing things, of seeing things. He speaks his own language, but he never stops translating. My dear...

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Will Barnet, Cats

Will Barnet, Cats

Will Barnet often portrayed people in their homes with their pets, usually cats. Cats are arguably the most aesthetic, the most fierce, yet the most vulnerable and endearing of our furry domesticated companions. When a beloved feline goes missing, our hearts bleed. My...

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Eduard Steichen, Road Into the Valley, Moonrise

Eduard Steichen, Road Into the Valley, Moonrise

"Road Into the Valley, Moonrise," Eduard Steichen, 1906. Another love of mine seldom attempted by most painters... a "nocturne," a painting of a nighttime scene, preferably absent artificial light. (Nocturne is also a musical term.) If you can, view the image using a...

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John Lasater IV, Adoration of the Artist

John Lasater IV, Adoration of the Artist

"Adoration of the Artist," John Lasater IV, oil. John is a northwest Arkansan known for his award-winning plein air landscapes. But here is a studio portrait. So soft and quiet. All low chroma, tertiary colors. Compressed value range, middle tones with no bright...

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Rico Lebrun, Crucifixion

Rico Lebrun, Crucifixion

Rico Lebrun (Italian/American), "Crucifixion," ink, 1958. "After Christ was taken down and the Golgotha scaffold scrubbed with whitewash, someone discovered that without the irrelevant trivia of blood and pain, the Cross made a composition of 'significant horizontals...

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